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Human Resources Compliance

Legal surprises are never good. The FoundationalHR program guides you through proactive steps to make your organization’s HR policies and employment contracts legally compliant before you run into a high-stakes situation. We work with you to put compliant HR elements in place, giving you peace of mind so that you can focus on leading your organization toward its goals.

Who It’s For

The FoundationalHR program is for smaller businesses looking to get the foundational elements of an HR program in place.

High angle shot of two businesswomen shaking hands in an office

What You Get

The FoundationalHR program provides customized HR support that is focused on ensuring your organization is legally compliant with employment laws.

This program includes:

  • Monthly consult with your HR Lead on a matter related to your employment contracts and policies
  • Employment contracts
  • Basic Compliance HR Policy Manual
  • iHR Health Check (Audit)
  • Access to the iHR Learning Portal

How It Works

We’ll begin by meeting with you to understand the unique needs of your business and formulate a plan for how we can partner together effectively.

Once work begins, we’ll provide you with access to the iHR Learning Portal and begin work on providing you with support for areas that need immediate attention. In our experience, the most common areas of immediate need include bringing employment contracts and HR policies up to legal standards.

We partner with our clients to ensure they get the results they need and can sleep well at night, knowing that we’re just a phone call away and ready to provide on-demand support in real time.

The iHR Difference

When it comes to HR services, getting it right is critical. Missteps can be costly and expose your company to significant liability. That’s why you need an experienced HR partner who has been there, done that. Our team of experienced professionals have seen it all and are constantly updating their knowledge to stay ahead of the curve. That means you can proceed confidently, knowing you’ve got the right partner to help you navigate any HR circumstances that come your way.

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